About Carmin Jasso
Hello students and parents! :)
My name is Carmin Jasso and I am the Teacher for Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) at the Low Incidence Learning Center (LILC) at VAAS.
After receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from UCLA, I pursued my passion for special education and received an educational specialist credential and Master's degree in Visual Impairments and Blindness. I have been a TSVI for the past 13 years and I have enjoyed working with my students, their families, and classroom teachers. As a TSVI, one of my main roles is to provide specialized instruction and services to meet the unique educational needs of students with visual impairments and ensure they can access their curriculum.
In my free time, I love spending time with my family, my son, and our dogs. 🩵
Braille Alphabet